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– Forex Trading Advice & Intro to The Natural Flow

Learning from one’s mistakes is a valuable lesson; learning from someone else’s mistakes is a lot less painful or time-consuming. That is why I spent years polling thousands of people to see what their trading experience had been like, and why I am glad to share with you what I have learned from my and their mistakes for free in an exciting new way.

The Natural Flow Forex Network of websites provide a breadth of experience and a level of mentorship that I wish I could have had in my journey to understand the complexities and simplicities of the Foreign Exchange Marketplace: The attached information is published to make sure you have a more complete picture of what you need to know to be successful in the Foreign Exchange. This is accomplished by comprehending, what I never understood or was never taught through my 40 Ebooks, Courses, Seminars, & Robots, and that is “The Natural Flow of the Market”.

In addition to understanding the Natural Flow of the Market, I was never really taught how to recover from a loss. PEOPLE DON’T LIKE TO LOSE (“WE DO NOT LIKE TO LOSE”). Unfortunately, your margin account can’t outlast a market move. Once a trader excepts this fact, then he/she will start to benefit from smaller losses thus creating larger overall profits. Losing buys you information, and because of this, there is no need to hold on to a losing trade.

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