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Adskills S3 Method

Agency Owner: Do you have a secret fear of losing a client?

My ad agency was on the razor’s edge, and losing a single client would have me on the brink of bankruptcy
But I made 60k the first time I used this 'S3 Method,' and my life was changed... forever.

Do you feel like your agency's financial health is on a slippery slope?

Are you under constant stress? The prospect of losing just one client would cause all kinds of alarm bells to go off?

I get it, I was in that exact situation… All. Day. Long. Until I was introduced to the S3 Method by a mentor, and now good friend… let’s call him Mr. X.

The S3 method rescued me from near bankruptcy and has changed everything. I’ve been having 6 figure months like clockwork, ever since.

Right around 2014, I was much less known back then. My name, ‘Justin Brooke’ alone, was no client magnet… at all.

If I lost a client, man... I felt it! I’d be left with just enough money to run my business and pay the bills.

And not a penny more.

IM Scalable, my old agency, needed to quickly find a “replacement” client or things would go south, fast.

And even if we were lucky enough to get a referral and replace the lost client... the whole "scrambling for clients" situation was bound to happen again.

Getting that one client didn't really solve our REAL issue... it just bought us some time.

Still, I couldn't sleep on retainer renewal days until I saw all the payments had come through.

Because the REAL problem was, we had no wait list of affluent clients.

We had no means to set up and dial in a webinar... no money to hire a good salesperson... and absolutely no time to spend on strategy sessions with unqualified prospects.

We were up to our knees in client work, even with a few clients.

I found myself forced to figure out a way to bring in clients with what I had: half an hour a day after waking up, before my first client call in the morning... and my social media account with a few business connections.

That’s where Mr. X’s method came into play. I could literally divide my life in 2 different eras: BS3 and AS3 (before S3 and after S3).

Before S3, I had a big identity crisis with...

High-Pressure Sales Tactics: How To Feel Miserable Every Day Of Your Life

As you may know, an agency sales cycle can easily take between 3 to 6 months before it comes into fruition.

But the worst part is the follow up. The constant chasing of the prospects.

I hated the feeling of people constantly saying “no” to my face. And I hated even more having to call or email a prospect for the 7th time within the month, to get them to convert.

“Have you read the proposal (I slaved over the weekend to deliver because you said it was urgent) yet?”

I still feel it in my stomach when I think about it today

And if on the off chance they didn't ignore me and now wanted to jump on a "quick call"... I got the cold sweats.

As you probably know by now, I hate any type of high pressure selling method. I hate to be breathing down my clients' necks.

And I know they hate it too.

I despised sales. Resented it.

Until Mr. X came along and taught me...

How To Turn ‘Water Into Wine’: The Miraculous Simple Sales Process

Most people assume sales systems have to be hard. Complicated.

It's "common knowledge" you must hustle, chase after clients and aggressively persuade them into buying from you.

But that's just WRONG.

Take a look at Fortune 500 companies, for example. Those guys have huge sales teams, and they deal with constant turnover. Do you really think they have the time to train every single salesperson into an entangled, tortuous sales process?

Nope. They run it simple. To the point.

That’s exactly what Mr. X taught me. He came up with a system which not only is so simple that you can pick it up within a few hours… But it’s also a breeze to execute.

In fact, he says that “If you can’t put your offer into a notepad file or a handwritten letter, give it to the right person and have them say I WANT THAT, then no amount of song and dance will help you.”

And I couldn’t agree with him more.

Especially in the agency world…

What we sell isn’t some abstract, arcane knowledge.

Prospects don’t need to climb a 1,000-step sales funnel before they can grasp the value of media buying.

We’re selling TRAFFIC to businesses who DEPEND ON DAILY TRAFFIC TO SURVIVE.

The right clients know they need us.

We just have to find a way to get in front of them and make an offer they can’t refuse.

Mr X and his students, including me, have used S3 to sell $1,000… $5,000… all the way up to $40,000 services, consultancy or products. I’m pretty sure you could go even higher ticket than that.

But the true magic in this process is it lures the best clients. It makes them raise their hands and show they’re interested in what you have to offer.

You become the “chooser,” instead of the “beggar.”

And when you get clients to chase you instead, you become a “sensation.” Someone people look up to. You get more recommendations… and attract bigger clients, who pay more.

You build your affluent client waitlist and quit the feast or famine cycle.

Before S3, I was so busy servicing my clients, I ended up forgetting about sales. Once I lost a client or finished the work with them, I was scrambling again… because I'd stopped prospecting. This vicious cycle repeated and repeated.

Never again.

Sounds far fetched? I can understand. It took me a while to believe it could be this straight forward.

Let me prove it to you with...

My Experience With the S3 Method: How I Landed My Dream Clients

Once I met Mr. X and decided to take up his offer, everything changed. The fogginess on my sales process went *poof*.

As I told you, I wasn’t nearly the “big name” I am today. And my margins were thin, so I was always worried when the next client would fire me.

Cause, let’s face it... that’s just how the agency business is. You eventually lose clients for no good reason.

But I learned the S3 Method and took it to heart. I applied it to a tee. The first time I ever did it… I sold $60,000+ within a week.

Best of all, these were all consulting deals. So I didn’t even have to set up the campaigns. I could just show them how to do it themselves.

I knew, right then, that I’d never “go hungry” again.

This method eventually led me to land some of my Dream Clients:

  • Dan Kennedy
  • Ed O'Keefe
  • Russell Brunson
  • John Assaraff
  • Ryan Deiss
  • Several divisions of Agora… name a few.

This method has been responsible for my biggest day… biggest month… and biggest year, ever.

Mr X. has been teaching this system for years, and has a group of about 100 students just like me.

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