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Stan Weinstein - Correct Stage for Average

Stan Weinstein is a financial expert. His company, Global Trend Alert, is located in South Florida, USA. It is a financial consulting investments firm. Its clientele has faced some of the most difficult financial and management problems in business and industry, and Weinstein Associates has helped them navigate this landscape.

The firm itself is strictly an invesmtnet advistory service directed at the institutional money manager.. 70% of its clientele is based in the United States, but with the world doing business globally on more and more frequent basis, Weinstein Associates expects to expand operations globally, too.

Weinstein’s financial expertise is sought worldwide as well, and he has been a frequent contributor on such programs as CNN’s Moneyline, The Nightly Business Report, CNBC’s Money Talk and Market Wrap, and Wall Street Week. He is the publisher and editor of The Professional Tape Reader (now discontinued) and Global Trend Alert.

In fact, Stan Weinstein stock advice is so timeless that in 1988 he wrote a book called Weinstein’s Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets. Even though it’s more than 20 years old at this point, this is considered a bible of sorts to those in the trading industry. Weinstein’s stock advice is based upon four market cycles or “stages” for that stock. Instead of trading as many investors do today by betting on current events or “today’s news,” the idea is to trade on future trends as the professionals do.

This particular type of investing has revolutionized the way people invest their money, as long as they follow Weinstein’s system. Proponents say that you can literally glance at a price chart and find a good trade immediately, once you know what you’re doing. The key is to look for recurring patterns and trends; a little practice lets you see where there can be money made.

Among the principals in his stage analysis technique is that, for example, it’s better to buy stocks during uptrends, and better to sell short during downtrends. When put that starkly, of course, this sounds like good common sense, but in fact, many small investors actually do the opposite.

Other than that, Stan Weinstein’s stock advice in his book still holds true even 20 years later. Therefore, if you can’t afford $40,000 for his newsletter, and you miss one of his infrequent appearances on television, you can find just about everything you need to know in the book he wrote. It retails for about $15 on Amazon. He’s been pressured to write other books, but Weinstein’s reply has been, “I’ve already said everything I could have said.” Judging by the continued praise this book receives, that’s most certainly true.

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